These photos are just some of the projects that ASIC has had the opportunity of working on.

ASIC has had the opportunity of recovering, repairing, restructuring, and modifying aircraft worldwide. Whether the aircraft was damaged over water, in the jungle, or in the snow, ASIC was called upon to recover and repair the aircraft.

Some planes were totaled with all electrical wiring, engine, steel and damaged components needing to be replaced, reassembled, and painted. From these experiences and through years of hardwork and dedication, ASIC has become the company that leads aircrafts on the road to recovery and beyond.

The above pictures are a time lapse of one of ASIC's recent projects. As you can see through the slides, ASIC has the ability to strip down the aircraft to its bare minimum and build it back up. Never using the same damaged parts taken off the aircraft, ASIC always uses brand new parts made inhouse or purchased through top aviation suppliers. Through the hard work and dedication of our team, ASIC has made another successful repair.

This fuel tank (above) was a special project ASIC built for Bombardier Aerospace for a UAV test program.
This took many advance skills that ASIC put to use to produce the parts for this project.